quanta q

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Ok, here is another useless thought that I had yesterday while eating very tasty cookies. Pillsbury has these cookies that I suppose are seasonal, plain sugar cookies that have a pumpkin, or tree, or heart, or in this case a bunny-depending on the appropriate holiday. I know these cookies are just full of chemicals, however I love baking just a few at a time and having nice warm just-baked cookies any time I desire. Well, last night I was making my cookies that have this bunny on them and I had a flashback to the Donnie Darko movie. For those of you who have not seen this movie there is a freaky bunny in the movie and now my cookies are scary.

If I can figure out how to post pictures I will show you pictures.

Will I continue to eat these cookies? Of course! I will just have to push the scary freaky bunny out of my mind.