quanta q

Monday, August 22, 2005

United Drummers of Yisrael

So there were some dudes on the subway playing their drums, and preaching peace, love, understanding, or something like that. Their shirts each had a big magen david on it and they were wearing tzitzit. I was curious.

I asked them why they wore fringes on their shirts. They replied that keep all the laws of G-d-like shabbos and kosher and even wear the name of G-d on their foreheads. To me the latter is singly the responsibility of the Cohen Gadol but I didn't bother with that. I stuck with politics-I simply asked them how they felt about the disengagement.

Yossi replied that the Bible talks about the fact that when the Jews don't behave that the land will spit them out.

I can only improve my actions so that we will merit the land once again.

Post Script

This just something I found on Google-I don't claim it to be comprehensive-I don't really know much about these people-

They seemed like nice guys on the subway.

They can certainly play those drums...