quanta q

Monday, January 03, 2005

So I have been told by a few of my readers that they expected more out of my blogs. Now I am not sure if they expected more because my life is supposed to be more exciting or perhaps I should have more to say than that I am addicted to Carmax (which I still am by the way :) ). In any case I will try and make this blog more interesting/entertaining but I am sure that there will be days that I will go back to the random occasional thoughts because I enjoy posting those for my amusement.

I am now back in the Bronx. It took only three hours and seven minutes this morning which was a wonderfully uneventful trip. At 9:15 I couldn't go to work. I chatted with my roommate and then decided to go grocery shopping. Now it's 12:00 and I made it to the school building but am not quite ready to work. I haven't read a paper or thought about learning all those new modelling/dynamics programs in so long now that I just don't want to get back into it.

On a different note: my back still hurts. I thought that the pain would go away and for a few days I do believe that it subsided but now it has come back. The question is what I should do about it. I have been considering acupuncture for a while instead of traditional medicine. For some reason I think that for pain such as this a traditional doctor will tell me to take some Advil and it will just go away in good time. But it has been about two weeks!!

Alright, I'm going to pretend to go and work.

TTFN (ta ta for now)