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Saturday, April 29, 2006

Bronx Is Not All Bad

Here is a map of Morris Park and surrounding areas, where the blue ballons point where murders happened in 2005. It seems my neighborhood is safe as long as I know where the invisible boundaries are, beyond which bad things can happen.

The second map is for the whole Bronx. It's almost comical--there are blue ballons everywhere except for Morris Park!!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Information about Trader Joes

I would like to tell people a little bit about Trader Joes. It's a wonderful grocer with wonderful food, but beware, you cannot do your entire food shopping there. I tell you this because my grandmother went there on an outing today and wanted to buy Ivory Soap, but they don't have it; she was shocked. So I began to tell her about all the good soaps and tasty treats she can buy there despite lack of Ivory soap so the next time she goes, she won't leave empty handed.

1. I'll start with soap because that is what started this blog: There is this one soap called "Dr. Bronner's 18-in-1 Peppermint Pure-Castile Hemp Soap" that I have not personally tried but I know quite a few people that swear by this soap as the best there is.

2. The next soap product is "Purify-Tangerine Sugar Scrub." Perhaps it's more of an exfoliant after the hemp soap (or the Irish Spring I use :)) but it's wonderful! It has a lovely scent that is not overwhelmingly citrusy; it doesn't leave you skin oily, but rather soft and smooth and just wonderful.

3. It's getting close to Summer and we all love sorbet-but how many times have you tried to find some when all you find is dairy stuff. Trader Joes to the rescue! They carry a wonderful brand "Sharon's Sorbet." I have tried the rasberry, mango, and coconut-all were splendidly refreshing and parve.

4. Trader Joes carries Empire chicken. While many of you live close to kosher butchers, the Pathmark near me isn't nearly as reliable as Trader Joes. They also carry this kosher brand of meat but Rabbi Heber doesn't reccommend it so I won't either.

5. There is this most delicious sharp cheddar cheese Tilamook brand which has a funny looking hashgacha that the Star-K says is ok and I love it. Now other kosher cheddars (well some of them I suppose) just taste bland after eating this one.

6. I will sum up here: There are many many kosher tasty snacks--chips, pretzels, cookies, an array of dried fruits, chocolates, breads, and a good Tabouli salad, a good Mayo with no preservatives, good spaghetti sauce...you get the point-there is good food-good prices-experience Trader Joes for youself!!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Forces against me?

I know they aren't against me. But...

But why don't I know numbers by heart anymore? Why don't I have a PDA where all numbers are listed? Why don't I have a working phone card? Why does my mom not have internet access? Why is no one home so that I can use a computer? And why does the phone ring when I am in the shower? And why do I have my phone on silent accidentally when I am expecting a call?

Why do people say things that aren't true? Why can't I just accept that I misunderstood? Why don't people call you back? Why do they call but don't acknowledge the fact that I am upset?

Why can't I write a stupid poster? Why do I have a mental block?

Why are boys stupid (no, not you)?

Why do I have to dissapoint people all the time? Why do I disappoint myself?

Why am I spontaneous at the wrong times?

Why can't I commit to anything?

Why did a get a Egg and Chesse from Dunkin Donuts when I make better one myself?

Why do people have to get sick?

Why is life unfair?

Why why why??

And I know that the forces aren't against me.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Coolest Shabbos Invitation I have ever received