quanta q

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Mutton, Lettuce, and Tomato.

Those who are familiar with The Princess Bride will recognize this sandwich. I had never heard of mutton and always thought it was a made up sort of meat. However, today's "Dining out" section had a whole article about mutton-not so popular in America-but it's real!!

Orthodox Apprentice Interview

The interview is about a half hour long but very interesting even if you don't watch The Apprentice.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

I know I'm a dork

Check out this song

Monday, March 06, 2006

How I Found G-d

Sunday, March 05, 2006

No Need for Groundhog

There is no need to wait and see if the groundhog sees his shadow to determine the arrival of Spring. I know when Spring is around the corner. In about three weeks or so the weather will warm up, the flowers will bloom, and people will gather outside. How do I know? My allergies are back. My allergy to Spring starts early-before the pollen-that's when it gets really bad. Right now I just can't breathe, lots of sneezing, eyes tearing-but really-it's nothing in comparison to the pollen. Anyway, getting back to the point-this is not a cold-it's the begining of Spring.

I think I like Autumn best.